Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 30

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So, I heard Dan Harmon criticize this trope in comedies he called “The Monopoly Guy” where a caricature is introduced and mocked for being a caricature. For instance, he calls it that because in Ace Ventura the protagonist sees an old guy at a party with a monocle, big white mustache, and a top hat and says “Oh look, its the Monopoly guy.” He said it doesn’t work because we know that the people who made the movie intentionally made this guy look like that. I may be bias, but I don’t think I’m doing that here because this character is introduced several pages ago, so the joke is more of a pay off to what you definitely noticed a long time ago. It’d be like if Ace met that old guy in act 1, he remained in the background in act 2 and then he finally said the Monopoly guy line in act 3. I think it works differently in that case.

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