Big Trouble in Little Everywhere Gold Deluxe

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 25

Ex-Wife was mentioned by name a lot in the original comics, but she never actually made an appearance. I did design her for a little Action Hat RPG Maker game I was playing around with, so I based a good deal of her design on that version, but changed her primary pallet to blues and […]

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 24

This strip doesn’t feature a background, and while that’s noticeable, I don’t think the inclusion of one would have been a good idea. There is so little real-estate that all the characters needed to be crammed together, so it was already busy enough. I tell ya, when I went back to full page canvas it

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 23

The Guns-And-Bourbon store, and the fact that Partner exclusively does all of his shopping there, is a gag that has been used before in little gift comics, but never in an actual Action Hat comic before this point.

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 20

On of the original ideas for the main caper of this set involved the Mayor being at the heart of a massive conspiracy, riffing on the trope of the police chief saying that “the Mayor is gonna have my ass for this” as the buddy cops do what they do “because it gets results.” The

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 19

As I mentioned earlier, Lynda was written into this project very late, only after I inked the first few comics (a very dangerous move that I ordinarily would not advise), so I didn’t have much of a design in mind for her street clothes by time I drafted this comic. I believe that character design

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 18

I went through a number of different things for Partner to say in the last panel here. If this were a movie, it would absolutely be one of those outtake segments that runs during the credits. I should’ve thought to save them, but alas, I did not.

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