Action Hat

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 55

I’m very satisfied with this strip capping off the gag portion of this project, the next strips will conclude the central caper. There is an additional gag in the background with the bartender scrutinizing Action Hat’s ID. Action Hat’s age has been a gag I’ve been playing with in other Action Hat concepts, like the […]

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 53

When I was younger one of the only stations I got was Comedy Central and at the time they ran the Beverly Hills Cop movies, like, non-stop, so I guess that’s where this running gag comes from. My favorite gag from those movies is in the third installment (yes, the worst one), where Axel sits

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 53 Read More »

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 47

What else did you think Partner’s mom would look like? So concludes this Christmas special. There have been a number of Action Hat Christmas specials in the past, and it remains a fun holiday to subvert with these goof balls.

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