Action Hat

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 45

You know, you can make the case that Scrooge is convinced to change his was by the ghost of Christmas Future, not because of the indifference the world has towards his death, but just the fact that he will be dead in the future. Like, Scrooge’s ego is so huge that the mere fact that […]

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 44

“Come on Gun, let’s go save some lives!” Is another line from the Action Hat RPG I had been messing around with for fun a few years ago. Partner declared this in an instance that also involved stopping the crime if jaywalking. I still intend on uploading it to this website after I go back

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 41

Well, this is one in which I struggled with the writing. In ideal conditions I probably would’ve scrapped it, but sometimes in webcomics things move too fast for that to happen. You can also really see me struggle with how small my canvas was here.

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 41 Read More »

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 38

There was this one summer where Comedy Central kept playing the Beverly Hills Cop movies back to back, and it was always on in the background at my house, so I find that I know them pretty much by heart. I figured it’d be a funny quirk if Chief was really into them, so I

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 38 Read More »

Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 37

This comic contains a composition error that I plan on going back and correcting when I modify these comics for print. The word balloon in the last panel should have its tail at the bottom as opposed to the top. As it is right now it kinda looks like Action Hat is speaking, but I

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Action Hat: Big Trouble in Little Everywhere HD Remix Gold Deluxe Edition Page 36

Admittedly, this was a strip produced outside of Gold Deluxe Remix that I tweaked and included into the main set. I thought it fit. This did offend some people actually, and while it is political, all it is really saying is “you should vote” so I can’t really sympathize if that is enough to bother

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